Alien Hives & Eternal Dynasty Now On Our Etsy Store
Hello everyone!
Do you love OPR minis, but don’t have a 3D printer? Don't worry, we've got you covered! We're happy to announce that pre-printed minis for the Alien Hives and the Eternal Dynasty are available now on our Etsy store. These models are printed at high resolution in a durable resin, delivered to your front door! With dozens of new models kits to choose from, you can have an all new army ready to paint.
These models are especially perfect if you're interested in running our recent Grimdark Future Narrative Campaign, Edge of the Radiance, that pits the two factions against each other on a remote barren planet at the edge of the Radiance Exclusion Zone.
You can get them now on our Etsy Store, and remember that Tier 1 or higher Patreon Subscribers get access to a 5% discount code for all purchases on our Esty Store

Both factions have dozens of different kits to choose from, ranging from hordes of Alien Hives Assault Grunts to the elite and durable Eternal Dynasty ONIs. We also have Army Starter Sets for each faction to get a new collection going quickly.
These models are the first wave of new releases on the Etsy store since its launch late last year, but don't expect to have to wait very much longer for the next wave of pre-printed minis now that the holidays are over as we plan to expand our offering of physical minis more quickly going forward.

Bases Now Included with all Models
Thanks to your feedback, we're also going to be including basses with all of our model kits. Each model will come with a flat round or oval base that you can flock and decorate as you like. We hope this makes it even easier to get your models painted and ready for battle!

Happy Wargaming!
– OPR Team
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