OPR Paper Minis are Now Free!

January 19, 2024

We here at OPR Games believe that wargaming should be for everyone and we want our games to be as accessible as possible! That is why in addition to our 3D printable miniatures, each month we release sets of printable paper miniatures and terrain that allow you to get entire armies on the table cheaply and quickly!

So it is our pleasure to announce that all of our paper miniature and terrain bundles will now be available for free on our Wargame Vault and DriveThruRPG stores. Whether you’re trying out a new army or a new game, we want it to be as easy as possible to start playing.

Click Here to Visit our DriveThruRPG Store!

Early Access for Tier 1 Patreon Supporters

Tier 1 and above patrons will still get early access to our paper miniatures and terrain as we release them, but when an army is complete, we will post the full army bundle on our Wargame Vault and DriveThruRPG stores at no cost.

Join our Patreon to get Early Access to our Paper Miniatures, Advanced Rulebooks, Access to Army Forge Studio, and More!

Here are all of the currently available paper army bundles:

Grimdark Future

Age of Fantasy

Grimdark Future: Warfleets

So get printing and playing!

Happy Wargaming!

– OPR Team

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