Price Drops for Physical Models on Only-Games
We are extremely proud of the Sci-Fi and Fantasy Miniatures we release each month and we want to make them easier to get for players without a 3D printer of their own. That's why we've decided to significantly reduce the price of our physical models available on Only-Games. We've dropped the prices of nearly every model, with many being reduced by 17-25% and some even having price drops of over 50%! You can have physical OPR Minis shipped to your house at better prices than ever!
Click Here to Shop on our Only-Games Store!

Only-Games Black Friday Sale
In addition to our price drops, you can save an additional 25% off all of our models during the Only-Games Black Friday Sale until November 28th using the discount code: BF25OFF at checkout. There has never been a better time to buy our minis on Only-Games!
New Price Examples
Here are some examples of some of our new Only-Games prices. Remember these prices are before the 25% Black Friday discount! Please note that the prices of Only-Games models change as printing costs change and vary by region. These examples are using the USD prices at the time of writing.
Mummified Skeleton Spear Warriors (5 Models) for $10.50

Robot Bikes (3 Models) for $29.50

Saurian Veteran on Tyrannosaur (1 Model) for $36.00

Mummified War Sphinx (1+3 Models) for $45.00

Happy Wargaming!
– OPR Team
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