Community Survey Results
This month we ran our bi-annual community survey, and the results are in! With nearly 1,400 responses this is the largest community survey, yet! Thank you!
We have a lot of questions to go through, so we're going to keep this as brief as we can.
Where do you follow OPR news & content?

Our first question was to get to know how best to reach all of you! We can see that Discord and Patreon are still the two most popular options, with over 60% of our community saying they follow our content there. The website was next and we're happy to see so many of you using it! We've got many new improvements in mind for the website, as well as the newsletter. The social media breakdown is interesting as well, considering that these results do not match up with our follower count on those platforms where our Instagram has many more followers than we have YouTube subscribers, for instance.
Which OPR games do you play?

As last time Grimdark Future remains our most popular game, but Age of Fantasy has seen a slight increase in player base. The biggest surprise, however, is that so many of you are already playing our newest game, Age of Fantasy: Quest! We're curious how these numbers will change in our next survey, but it is great to see so much enthusiasm for the new game already.
How often do you play OPR games?

It also seems you're playing the game more often! Now with over 60% of you playing one of our games at least once a month! And again over 97% of our community either play our games or are interested in doing so.
Where do you play OPR games?

These results are nearly unchanged to last time with most of you playing either at your home or a friend's home. We still see a small but healthy play scene in clubs and game stores, however. We hope to see these numbers continue to grow as the game reaches more and more people.
What OPR community events would you be interested in attending?

For those who would be interested in community events, we're definitely seeing a preference for casual game events over more competitive choices, though competitive events do have a strong showing with nearly 40% interested in local tournaments. It also makes sense that there is more interest in local events than convention events. As we continue to attend more conventions officially, however, it will be interesting to see how this changes.
What minis do you use to play OPR games?

While similar to the last survey, we've seen the number of players using physical minis from our Only-Games store nearly double as well as a small increase in people playing with other 3D printed miniatures! Of course it is always nice to see so many of you using official OPR miniatures in your games.
How do you usually buy physical miniatures from other brands?

For those playing with purchased physical miniatures, as opposed to 3d printed minis, there is a slight preference to purchasing these miniatures online, but both online and game store purchases are popular options. We expected online sales to be much higher for this one, given general retail trends lately, but it seems a lot of our community are supporting their local stores.
Are you interested in buying physical minis from OPR?

Compared to our last survey, there is a large increase in interest in physical OPR miniatures at either a physical game store or from an online store other than our Only-Games store. We're continuing to look for ways to reach more and more people, including those who do not 3D print.
What kinds of physical minis would you be interested in buying?

Another new question for this survey, we wanted to see what kinds of physical miniatures you would prefer. There is a definite preference for model-kit style miniatures on sprues, which is interesting because it seems our pre-assembled miniatures are more popular for our 3d printed minis.
Would you be interested in buying physical books from OPR?

Physical books from OPR has been one of our most popular requests, so we wanted to see what kind of books you would be interested in if we were to make them. Rulebooks was the easy lead here, with lore books being a very close second. We're glad to see that interest in the lore of our worlds seems to be growing as we publish more of it!
Do you play Dungeons & Dragons?

These numbers are basically unchanged since last time, but still shows that the majority of OPR players are also RPG players of some sort! There is a small shift of a couple percentage points from players playing D&D to playing other RPGs, however.
Would you be interested in D&D compatible material from OPR?

And like the last question not a lot of changes here, either, with nearly half of our community interested in us providing support for D&D in some way.
Which Grimdark Future armies do you play?

For the first time in awhile the Alien Hives are no longer the most popular Grimdark Future army! Battle Brothers have taken the top spot from them this survey, and we've also seen an increase in interest in the Human Defense Force as well as a large increase in High Elf Fleets play. Considering they're the newest faction to receive official models, this isn't a surprise, and with the HDF announced as the next faction, could that explain it's increase in popularity as well?
Which Age of Fantasy armies do you play?

The changes for Age of Fantasy's faction popularity was predictable this time around. With new official models the Shadow Stalkers have seen a huge jump in popularity, as well as a small increase in popularity for the Duchies of Vinci. We think this is may a result of them being featured in our recent narrative campaign: Secrets of Tixal.
Which Grimdark Future: Warfleets factions do you play?

For Grimdark Future: Warfleets, we've seen the Alien Hives drop behind the Battle Brothers, again, but the big surprise was the big jump in Human Defense Force popularity as they take the lead for the most played faction, if you ignore 'Other.' Robot Legions also saw a significant increase in players.
Which Age of Fantasy: Quest Classes do you play?

Because Age of Fantasy: Quest is such a new game, we're interested to see how these initial favorite classes will change as more people play the game and see how each class works. So far, however, the favorite classes seem to line up exactly the classes that have already received an official model with Barbarian being the lone exception.
The first Grimdark Future faction book we're making will be about the Eternal Dynasty. Which Grimdark Future faction book would you like us to make next?

The last time we asked about Grimdark Future lore books, there was a pretty even spread across all of choices, except for of course the Saurian Starhost which is again well in the lead. This time things are a lot more varied and the Human Defense Force jumping into second place.
The first Age of Fantasy faction book we're making will be about the Duchies of Vinci. Which Age of Fantasy faction book would you like us to make next?

For the Age of Fantasy side of things, the changes are even more dramatic with four armies jumping out way ahead of the others, the Ratmen, Saurians, Shadow Stalkers, and Vampiric Undead. The Shadow Stalkers taking such a high place on this question is a welcome surprise even if they are the newest army to get models.
Thank you, everyone, for answering the community survey, we always look forward to your feedback. It is great to see the responses from so many members of our community!
Happy Wargaming!
– OPR Team
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