Community Survey Results
At the end of last month we ran our bi-annual community survey, and with over 1600 responses, it was again our largest survey yet! Thank you to everyone who responded. Now lets take a look at what you've said!
Where do you follow OPR news & content?

For our first question, we wanted to know how best to reach you all. Not a lot of changes this time, with Patreon and Discord being our most active community channels, but it is nice to see that the OPR Newsletter has grown quite a bit! This month we've added a new social channel, Bluesky, and we're happy at how quickly it is growing. Curiously 10 of you report that you don't follow OPR news & content, which makes us wonder how you found the link to the survey to begin with.
Which OPR games do you play?

The big surprise with this question is that Grimdark Future: Star Quest is almost as popular as Age of Fantasy: Quest, with a solid quarter of our audience playing it! We're thrilled with how well the new co-op adventure games are being received. Both games are getting continued support with our monthly releases. As for the other games you're playing, we're seeing near the same results as our last survey across the board, with Grimdark Future and Grimdark Future: Firefight as our two most popular games. And of course what these numbers also show us is that many of you are playing more than one OPR Game.
How often do you play OPR games?

When we asked how often you play OPR games, the answer continues to be: a lot. Over 60% of you are playing at least once a month, and with more than 20 percent of ya playing more than three games a month! We're glad to see the community getting so many games in, and hope to see that trend continue!
Where do you play OPR games?

When it comes to play location, home games continue to be the overwhelming popular choice with nearly 85% of the responses. However, there is still a healthy showing of Store and Club play, and we hope to make it even easier to find public games with our newly announced OPR Rangers Program and monthly Community Events listings.
What OPR community events would you be interested in attending?

For those who would be interested in community events, we're seeing a continued preference for casual game events over more competitive choices, growing over the same answer from last survey. Competitive events do still have a strong showing with 37% interested in local tournaments. We are also seeing some growth in attendance of convention events, with AdeptiCon in particular having an explosion of OPR events on the schedule. We're going to be at other conventions as well this year, so look forward to more official OPR events soon!
What minis do you use to play OPR games?

There are two interesting takeaways when it comes to the minis you are choosing to play with. One is that more of you are 3D printing your minis, both from us and other companies, moving slightly away from traditional physical minis. And the other is that together the total official OPR physical minis have risen quite a bit, with the new Etsy Store nearly as popular as the Only-Games store when it was the only option.
How do you usually buy physical miniatures from other brands?

There was virtually no change with this question. When buying physical minis, as opposed to 3d printed minis, there is a slight preference to purchasing these miniatures online, but both online and game store purchases are popular options.
Are you interested in buying physical minis from OPR?

Since people buy their minis from many different places, you all suggested that we make this question allow multiple answers, so we did! And that greatly changed some of the response. While over half of you aren't interested in Physical minis, of those that are, the responses nearly all the other options doubled! So for those interested in physical minis, we're seeing that many of you would like to buy them from an online store or at your local game stores. We've made a lot of effort to get our minis our to everyone who wants them, opening up our new official Etsy Store, and we've recently announced the upcoming launch of Grimdark Future: Broken Truth, a massive 2-Player Battle Box from Grimdark Future on Gamefound!
What kinds of physical minis would you be interested in buying?

As for what kinds of physical miniatures you would prefer. There is still a preference for model-kit style miniatures on sprues, but both options are coming closer together.
Which Grimdark Future armies do you play?

The Human Defense Force are the new most popular Grimdark Future army! Interest in the faction was already on the rise, but since their model line came out over half of you are playing the HDF in your games! Battle Brothers drop from first place to third, as the Alien Hives overtake them since Edge of the Radiance seems to have given them and the Eternal Dynasty a nice popularity bump.
Which Age of Fantasy armies do you play?

There are two big changes for Age of Fantasy's faction popularity, and both make sense. First the Duchies of Vinci have seen a modest increase in players with the recent release of their Faction Book. But the biggest jump has to be the Wood Elves. They've more than doubled their numbers since our last survey and the release of their model range! Overall, compared to Grimdark Future, Age of Fantasy factions are more evenly represented, with no single faction approaching 50% popularity.
Which Grimdark Future: Warfleets factions do you play?

Grimdark Future: Warfleets faction popularity seems to follow along with the same changes we see in the other Grimdark Future games. Eternal Dynasty and Alien Hives both gain numbers since the release of Edge of the Radiance just as they did in Grimdark Future, and the Human Defense Force keep the crown at the top.
Which Grimdark Future: Star Quest Classes do you play?

Now that Grimdark Future: Star Quest is out, we wanted to get a quick survey to see which classes you all prefer to play initially. A lot of this seems to mirror the Age of Fantasy: Quest results, with the Soldier being the most popular by far, and most of the others being about the same popularity as each other. Though Instigator, Ritualist, and Sentinel are lagging noticeably behind the others. We'll see how this changes next time after you've all had a chance to play through a campaign or two.
Which Age of Fantasy: Quest Classes do you play?

The big surprise with Age of Fantasy: Quest is how little changed since last time! While in our other games, the popularity of different options seems to follow our recent model releases, for AoF:Quest it seems that isn't happening. The Monk, Paladin, Sorcerer, and Warlock all got a 5% bump in popularity, there aren't any big popularity drops to go with them. This means you all are probably adding more variety to your party instead of retiring favorite options.
Thank you, everyone, for answering the community survey, we always look forward to your feedback. It is great to see the responses from so many members of our community!
Happy Wargaming!
– OPR Team
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